Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Minorandom #1 *not so much an obsession*: driving

So today in Motivation and Emotion class we learnt Personality Characteristics. And under this particular topic was arousal seeking: how people seek sensations or experiences to feel that little sense of euphoria, however fleeting.

So different people have different things that "excite" them *this sounds pretty wrong, even as I'm typing it*, and as I was driving home from college tonight I realised what one of those things is for me.

It was raining heavily when I started off from college (around 8.30 pm).
Seriously. All of you who stays in Malaysia would know what it's like =___=.

Visibility was down to a bare minimum. My car's not in her best shape. Alignment is off. The lampposts/streetlights on a stretch of road weren't working. Lightning flashed countless times *I lost count*. The thunder that followed was so loud, I couldn't hear myself thinking. The glare of headlights on my rearview mirror hurt my eyes. Judging the distance between my car and the next took a monumental amount of concentration.

Hey I'm a novice driver. Cut me some slack.

I had to pay attention to the road if I didn't want my car to skid off. I have no ABS installed on my baby.

And as I was cruising through the dark city roads with the soft breeze of Air Conditioning on my face *my car's A/C is NOT working well*, I thought: this is what driving's all about.

The pitch-black tarred road that reflected everything as if a pond of ice at night. The lights from the buildings illuminating the night sky. The reds coming off the cars on this side of the road. The yellows from the other side. The driving sans traffic jam.
Delerium's Lost and Found (feat Jael) and Carla Bruni's Quequ'un M'a Dit playing in the background as if a soundtrack to my life.

It roused the romantic in me.

I fell in love with KL all over again.

Plus the rain let up nearer to home. The road was relatively clear, not many people would be on the road around 9pm on a Wednesday night.

I could've gone on driving for hours and hours. It was challenging my *limited* driving skills, and I felt awake. Alive.

I didn't want to stop driving. But I had to. I have an animal observation report to prepare, and these past few nights have been filled with literature reviews, coffee and sleeplessness.

I should have called my blog Psycho-Somnus, after the Roman god of sleep.
One of our lecturers have/had a hamster named thus.
I should write on Roman/Greek mythology.
I shall.
Wikipedia is a great invention.

And I would've taken the longer way home if my bladder wasn't trying to torture me.

Now off to the animal observation report.

You don't want to be in the car with me during a night like this.

Not the safest driver around ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah man~ i know ur not the safest drive around...LOL experience it first hand!
    u cut into my lane so closely to my car! i would have honk and curse at u, if ur not my dear bai zhe :p
